Highcharts is a SVG-based, multi-platform charting library. My wrapper makes it easier to create out of the box visualizations

Josh Kunst Tutorial


Basic count with proximate legend

tbl_count_class <- 
  ggplot2::mpg %>% 
tbl_count_class %>% 
    x = "class",
    y = "n",
    type = "column",
    invert_chart = T,
    override_legend_location = "proximate"

Add colors

tbl_count_class <- tbl_count_class %>% 
  mutate(class = fct_inorder(class)) %>% 
  mutate(color = '#ffff00')

Visaulize the chart

    data = tbl_count_class,
    x = "class",
    y = "n",
    type = "column",
    title =  "Count of car types in the data miles",
disable_legend = T,
invert_chart = T,
theme_name = "better_unica"



tbl_continents <- 

continents <- tbl_continents %>%
  group_by(year, continent) %>%
    weighted_per_capita = weighted.mean(gdpPercap, pop),
    weighted_life_exp = weighted.mean(lifeExp, pop)
  ) %>% 

Plot the the weighted average lifespans with lags.

continents %>%
  ungroup() %>%
    type = "line",
    group = "continent",
    x = "year",
    color_type = "continuous",
    y = "weighted_life_exp",
    theme_name = "better_unica",
    lag_periods = 1,
## Using continuous color scheme scico::bilbao
## <colors>
## #FFFFFFFF #C0BBA5FF #AB8B67FF #974D4BFF #4C0000FF 
## Using continuous color scheme grDevices::RdYlGn
## <colors>
## #A51122FF #EB9C00FF #FEFDBEFF #85BC47FF #006228FF

Annotated Line Progress Bar

tbl_tweets <- 

dtweets <- tbl_tweets %>%
  filter(between(year(created_at), 2020, 2020)) %>%
  mutate(created_at = as.Date(created_at)) %>%
  select(created_at, text, favorite_count, retweet_count) %>%

dtweets <- dtweets %>%
  distinct(created_at, .keep_all = TRUE)

dtops <- dtweets %>%
  top_n(5, favorite_count)

dtext <- dtweets %>%
  select(created_at, text) %>%
  mutate(text = str_extract(text, "[0-9]+.*"))

data <- dtweets %>%
  select(created_at, Favorites = favorite_count, Retweets = retweet_count) %>%
  gather(type, count, -created_at) %>%
  arrange(created_at) %>%
  left_join(dtext, by = "created_at")

top_annotations <- dtops %>%
  mutate(created_at = datetime_to_timestamp(created_at)) %>%
  select(x = created_at, y = favorite_count, text) %>%
data %>%
    type = "line",
    x = "created_at" ,
    y = "count",
    group = "type",
    override_x_text = list(text = ""),
    color_palette = "grDevices::PiYG",
    use_table_tooltip = T,
    override_y_text = list("Count"),
    override_y_label = list(
      formatter = JS(
                       return '' + Highcharts.numberFormat(this.value, 0, '.', ',') + ' tweets';
    override_x_label = list(
      staggerLines = 1,
      formatter = JS(
        "function () { return Highcharts.dateFormat('%B', this.value); }"
      tickPositioner = JS(
        "function () {
                var positions = [],
                    tick = Math.floor(this.dataMin),
                    increment = 1000 * 3600 * 24 * 91.5; // 3 months

                for (tick; tick <= this.dataMax; tick += increment) {
                if (positions.indexOf(this.dataMax) == -1) positions.push(this.dataMax);
                return positions;
    zoom_type = NULL,
    annotations = list(
      labelOptions = list(
        shape = "connector",
        align = "right",
        justify = FALSE,
        crop = TRUE,
        style = list(fontSize = "0.8em", textOutline = "1px white")
      labels = top_annotations
## Using continuous color scheme grDevices::PiYG
## <colors>
## #90005DFF #315D00FF


tbl_2007 <- 
  gapminder %>% filter(year  == 2007)
tbl_2007 %>%
    type = "scatter",
    name = "country",
    group = "continent",
    x = "gdpPercap",
    color_type = "discrete",
    color_palette = "lisa::Jean_MichelBasquiat_1",
    y = "lifeExp",
    theme_name = "smpl",
    title = "2007 Life Expectancy by Per Capita Income",
    override_model_groups = T,
    override_legend_location = "proximate",
    fits = c("RF", "LOESS")
## <colors>
## #C11432FF #009ADAFF #66A64FFF #FDD10AFF #070707FF 
## Using discrete color scheme lisa::Jean_MichelBasquiat_1
## [2021-10-05 16:25:16 s.RF] Hello, alexbresler 
## [ Regression Input Summary ]
##    Training features: 142 x 1 
##     Training outcome: 142 x 1 
##     Testing features: Not available
##      Testing outcome: Not available
## [ Parameters ]
##        n.trees: 1000 
##           mtry: NULL 
## [2021-10-05 16:25:16 s.RF] Training Random Forest Regression with 1000 trees... 
##      |      Out-of-bag   |
## Tree |      MSE  %Var(y) |
##  100 |    63.67    43.99 |
##  200 |    64.46    44.54 |
##  300 |    62.58    43.24 |
##  400 |    62.38    43.10 |
##  500 |    61.98    42.82 |
##  600 |    61.95    42.80 |
##  700 |    62.02    42.85 |
##  800 |    62.14    42.93 |
##  900 |    62.21    42.98 |
## 1000 |    62.35    43.08 |
## [ RF Regression Training Summary ]
##     MSE = 15.53 (89.27%)
##    RMSE = 3.94 (67.24%)
##     MAE = 2.69 (74.23%)
##       r = 0.95 (p = 8.5e-71)
##     rho = 0.95 (p = 0.00)
##    R sq = 0.89
## [2021-10-05 16:25:17 s.RF] Run completed in 0.01 minutes (Real: 0.49; User: 0.46; System: 0.03) 
## [2021-10-05 16:25:17 s.LOESS] Hello, alexbresler 
## [ Regression Input Summary ]
##    Training features: 142 x 1 
##     Training outcome: 142 x 1 
##     Testing features: Not available
##      Testing outcome: Not available
## [2021-10-05 16:25:17 s.LOESS] Training LOESS model... 
## [ LOESS Regression Training Summary ]
##     MSE = 48.67 (66.37%)
##    RMSE = 6.98 (42.01%)
##     MAE = 4.81 (54.03%)
##       r = 0.81 (p = 6.1e-35)
##     rho = 0.86 (p = 0.00)
##    R sq = 0.66
## [2021-10-05 16:25:17 s.LOESS] Run completed in 1.1e-03 minutes (Real: 0.07; User: 0.05; System: 0.01)

Lets transform the x axis and add some descriptive text.

text <- "The graph shows us the relationship between
<b> GDP per capita </b> and <b> Life expectancy </ b> for countries in 2007.
It is observed that the large number of countries with low life expectancy belong
to the African continent, of which the majority has low GDP per capita. <br>
For <b> GDP per capita </b> a scale <i> logarithmic </i> due
to the asymmetry of this variable."

tbl_2007 %>%
    type = "scatter",
    name = "country",
    group = "continent",
    x = "gdpPercap",
    color_type = "discrete",
    color_palette = "lisa::Jean_MichelBasquiat_1",
    y = "lifeExp",
    size = "pop",
    theme_name = "smpl",
    transformations = "log_x",
    caption = text,
    title = "2007 Life Expectancy by Per Capita Income",
    override_model_groups = T,
    override_legend_location = "proximate",
    fits = c("RF", "LOESS")
## <colors>
## #C11432FF #009ADAFF #66A64FFF #FDD10AFF #070707FF 
## Using discrete color scheme lisa::Jean_MichelBasquiat_1
## [2021-10-05 16:25:17 s.RF] Hello, alexbresler 
## [ Regression Input Summary ]
##    Training features: 142 x 1 
##     Training outcome: 142 x 1 
##     Testing features: Not available
##      Testing outcome: Not available
## [ Parameters ]
##        n.trees: 1000 
##           mtry: NULL 
## [2021-10-05 16:25:17 s.RF] Training Random Forest Regression with 1000 trees... 
##      |      Out-of-bag   |
## Tree |      MSE  %Var(y) |
##  100 |    64.76    44.74 |
##  200 |    63.75    44.05 |
##  300 |    63.97    44.20 |
##  400 |     63.5    43.88 |
##  500 |     63.6    43.94 |
##  600 |    63.18    43.65 |
##  700 |    63.51    43.88 |
##  800 |     63.2    43.67 |
##  900 |     63.2    43.67 |
## 1000 |    62.77    43.37 |
## [ RF Regression Training Summary ]
##     MSE = 15.69 (89.16%)
##    RMSE = 3.96 (67.07%)
##     MAE = 2.70 (74.18%)
##       r = 0.95 (p = 1.9e-70)
##     rho = 0.95 (p = 0.00)
##    R sq = 0.89
## [2021-10-05 16:25:18 s.RF] Run completed in 3e-03 minutes (Real: 0.18; User: 0.16; System: 0.02) 
## [2021-10-05 16:25:18 s.LOESS] Hello, alexbresler 
## [ Regression Input Summary ]
##    Training features: 142 x 1 
##     Training outcome: 142 x 1 
##     Testing features: Not available
##      Testing outcome: Not available
## [2021-10-05 16:25:18 s.LOESS] Training LOESS model... 
## [ LOESS Regression Training Summary ]
##     MSE = 48.67 (66.37%)
##    RMSE = 6.98 (42.01%)
##     MAE = 4.81 (54.03%)
##       r = 0.81 (p = 6.1e-35)
##     rho = 0.86 (p = 0.00)
##    R sq = 0.66
## [2021-10-05 16:25:18 s.LOESS] Run completed in 1e-03 minutes (Real: 0.06; User: 0.05; System: 0.01)


tbl_diamonds_cut <- 
  ggplot2::diamonds %>% count(cut) %>% 
  mutate(percent = percent(n / sum(n)))

Plot it

tbl_diamonds_cut %>%
    name = "cut",
    y = "n",
    size = "percent",
    type = "pie",
    label_parameters = list(format = "{point.name}<br>({point.size})", enabled = T),
    innerSize = "80%"

Add a version with chart in chart!!

tbl_diamonds_cut %>%
    name = "cut",
    y = "n",
    size = "percent",
    type = "pie",
    label_parameters = list(format = "{point.name}<br>({point.size})", enabled = T),
    innerSize = "80%"
  ) %>%
    useHTML = TRUE,
    style = list(fontSize = "30px"),
    headerFormat = "",
    pointFormat = "<div style='text-align: center;'>Cut <b>{point.name}</b><br>{point.y} Cases<br>{point.percent} of total</div>",
    positioner = JS(
      "function () {

        /* one of the most important parts! */
        xp =  this.chart.chartWidth/2 - this.label.width/2
        yp =  this.chart.chartHeight/2 - this.label.height/2

        return { x: xp, y: yp };

    shadow = FALSE,
    borderWidth = 0,
    backgroundColor = "transparent",
    hideDelay = 1000


This one is in Spainish

clima <- 
  datos::clima %>% 
    fecha = lubridate::ymd(paste(anio, mes, dia, paste = "-")),
    mes_fecha = fct_inorder(months(fecha))

    data = clima,
    x = "temperatura",
    group = "mes_fecha",
    type = "ridgeline",
    theme_name = "better_unica",
    zIndex = 12:1,
    lineWidth = 3,
    title = "Ridgelines",
    color_palette = "pals::jet",
    opacity = 1,
    disable_x = F,
    disable_y = T,
    invert_chart = T
## Using continuous color scheme pals::jet
## <colors>
## #00007FFF #0000DCFF #0039FFFF #0096FFFF #00F3FFFF #50FFADFF #ADFF50FF #FFF300FF #FF9600FF #FF3900FF #DC0000FF #7F0000FF

Movies Area and Streamgraph

movies <- ggplot2movies::movies

films <- 
  movies %>%
  select(year, Action:Short) %>%
  gather(category, count, -year) %>%
  group_by(year, category) %>%
  summarise(count = sum(count))

Basic area

    data = films,
    type = "area",
    x = "year",
    y = "count",
    group = "category",
    color_palette  = "viridis::inferno",
    color_type = "continuous",
    opacity = .5,
    override_y_label = list(
      formatter = JS(
                       return '' + Highcharts.numberFormat(this.value, 0, '.', ',') + ' films';
    stacking = "normal",
    override_series =  list(
      stacking = list(enbled = TRUE),
      marker = list(symbol = "circle")
    override_tooltip = F
  ) %>%
  hc_tooltip(table = TRUE, sort = TRUE)
## Using continuous color scheme viridis::inferno
## <colors>
## #000004FF #330A5FFF #781C6DFF #BB3754FF #ED6925FF #FCB519FF #FCFFA4FF

Lets add some plot lines and descriptive text

events <- tibble(
  year = c(1930, 1941, 1990),
  text = c(
    "Beginning was golden in Hollywood.",
    "Start of TV",
    "Beginning of the rise of independent cinema.")

data_plot_line_x <- events %>%
  transmute(value  = year,
            label = map(text, ~ list(text = .x))) %>% 
  mutate(color = "#666", width = 2, zIndex = 5)

movie_caption <- "Data from <b> IMDB </b> through the better_unicamovies package. <br>Most events were obtained from flash reading in <b> Wikipedia </b>"

Viz it!

  data = films,
  type = "area",
  x = "year",
  y = "count",
  group = "category",
  color_palette  = "viridis::inferno",
  color_type = "continuous",
  opacity = 1,
  theme_name = "clean_unica",
  caption = movie_caption,
  title = "Popularity of Movies by Type Over Time",
  override_y_label = list(
    formatter = JS(
                       return '' + Highcharts.numberFormat(this.value, 0, '.', ',') + ' films';
  stacking = "normal",
  data_x_lines = data_plot_line_x,
  override_series =  list(
    stacking = list(enbled = TRUE),
    marker = list(symbol = "circle")
  override_tooltip = F
) %>%
  hc_tooltip(table = TRUE, sort = TRUE)
## Using continuous color scheme viridis::inferno
## <colors>
## #000004FF #330A5FFF #781C6DFF #BB3754FF #ED6925FF #FCB519FF #FCFFA4FF


MGP count with overriden category.

tbl_mpg_count <- ggplot2::mpg %>% 
  count(class, cyl) %>% 
  arrange(-n) %>%
    class = fct_inorder(class),
    class_n = as.numeric(class) - 1,
    cyl = factor(cyl, c(4,5,6,8))

Visualize it

tbl_mpg_count %>% hc_xy(
    x = "class_n",
    y = "n",
    group = "cyl",
    type = "column",
    stacking = "normal",
    color_type = "continuous",
    color_palette = "pals::jet",
    override_x_categories = levels(tbl_mpg_count %>%  pull(class))
## Using continuous color scheme pals::jet
## <colors>
## #00007FFF #00D4FFFF #FFD400FF #7F0000FF

Tour de France

tourfrance <-

Basic area chart.

hc_tour_area <- 
  tourfrance %>% mutate(color = "navy") %>%
    type = "area",
    opacity = .5,
    x = "distance",
    y = "elevation",
    subtitle = "Example obtained from HighchartsJS documentation",
    override_x_label  = list(format = "{value} km"),
    override_x_text = list(text = "Distance"),
    override_y_label  = list(format = "{value} m"),
    override_y_text = list(text = "Elevation"),
    title = "Tour de Francia 2017, Stage 8: <i>Dole - Station des Rousses</i>",
    disable_legend = T
  ) %>%
  hc_tooltip(headerFormat = "Distance: {point.x:.1f} km<br>",
             pointFormat = "{point.y} m a. s. l.")

Lets see it


Lets add some annotations.

df1 <- read_csv(
  '"x","y", "text"
27.98,255, "Arbois"

df2 <- read_csv(
101.44,1026,"Col de la Joux"
138.5,748,"Côte de Viry"
176.4,1202,"Montée de la Combe<br>de Laisia Les Molunes"'

df3 <- read_csv(
96.2,783,"6.1 km climb<br>4.6% on avg."
134.5,540,"7.6 km climb<br>5.2% on avg."
172.2,925,"11.7 km climb<br>6.4% on avg."

df1_p <- df_to_annotations_labels(df1)

df2_p <- df_to_annotations_labels(df2)

df3_p <- df_to_annotations_labels(df3)

Now we plot it.

hc_tour_area %>%   
      labelOptions = list(
        backgroundColor = 'rgba(255,255,255,0.5)',
        verticalAlign = "top",
        y = 15
      labels = df1_p
    list(labels = df2_p),
      labelOptions = list(
        shape = "connector",
        align = "right",
        justify = FALSE,
        crop = TRUE,
        style = list(fontSize = "0.8em", textOutline = "1px white")
      labels = df3_p



tbl_2007 %>% hc_xy(
  group = c("continent", "country"),
  size = "pop",
  type = "treemap",
  is_sunburst = T,
  title = "2007 Gapminder",
  tree_labels = list(
      level = 1,
      borderWidth = 0,
      borderColor = "transparent",
      colorByPoint = TRUE,
      dataLabels = list(enabled = TRUE)
      level = 2,
      borderWidth = 0,
      borderColor = "transparent",
      colorVariation = list(key = "brightness", to = 0.50),
      dataLabels = list(enabled = TRUE)



tbl_2007 %>% 
  mutate(world = "world") %>% 
  group = c("world", "continent", "country"),
  size = "pop",
  use_new_treemap = T,
  type = "treemap",
  is_sunburst = T,
  tree_labels =  list(
      level = 1,
      borderWidth = 0,
      color = "transparent",
      borderColor = "transparent",
      # colorByPoint = TRUE,
      dataLabels = list(enabled = TRUE)
      level = 2,
      borderWidth = 0,
      borderColor = "transparent",
      colorByPoint = TRUE,
      dataLabels = list(enabled = TRUE)
      level = 3,
      borderWidth = 0,
      borderColor = "transparent",
      colorVariation = list(key = "brightness", to = 0.50),
      dataLabels = list(enabled = TRUE)
## Using continuous color scheme scico::vikO
## <colors>
## #4E193DFF